How to Choose the Best Coffee Blends
You sit down in the morning at your breakfast table, a warm mug in your hand. The smell of coffee is unmistakable, and its distinct flavor perfectly sets the trajectory for a good day.
But do you actually know what your coffee is made of or where it comes from?
Likely, it doesn’t even come from one place.
Today, coffee blends are the most common way to brew coffee. Many Tampa coffee roasters will combine their roasts into a mixed batch, creating a product that is not only unique but also consistent. So the cup of coffee you had yesterday will taste the same today and tomorrow.
Continue reading to learn more about what makes up a coffee blend and why so many roasters choose to blend versus selling single-origin
What Is a Coffee Blend?
A coffee blend uses a mixture of different coffee beans to create a unique flavor profile. Often blends will use coffees from different farms in the same region to create a solid flavor from that area. Other blends may use distinct coffees from different regions to create something completely new and exciting.
When you are purchasing coffee, you’ll tend to find more blended coffees over single-origin coffee. While it’s easier to experiment with specific regional flavors using single-origin coffee, many companies tend to choose a well-blended coffee that fits their budget.
Why Are Coffees Blended?
Commercial coffee buyers will find that among other benefits, coffee blends are more affordable to buy in bulk. Not only benefiting customers, blended coffee allows roasters to mix their lower quality beans with higher quality ones. They get to utilize their entire supply and coffee buyers benefit from a good-tasting coffee blend.
Blended coffee also introduces unique flavor profiles. Having different regional coffee mixed provides a flavor that couldn’t be achieved with single-origin coffee. For commercial coffee buyers catering to different consumers, purchasing blended coffee allows you to offer flavors that suit different needs.
Blended coffee also tends to be more consistent. having a blend of different quality beans, the flavor is more often balanced. This also has to do with when the coffee beans are roasted. When single-origin beans are roasted, their flavor will vary depending on the relation to their roast date.
What Makes Coffee Blends Stand Out?
There are a few factors to consider when choosing a quality coffee blend. For commercial coffee buyers looking for the best coffee blends, keep a close eye on:
- The roast date
- The type of roast
- The company practices
The closer your coffee blend matches its roast date, the fresher your coffee will brew. Not only is the best blended coffee freshly roasted, but it is also properly roasted. coffee beans that are roasted too long tend to have bitter notes. Consider this when purchasing coffee for your consumers.
Roastery practices also play a large role in the quality of your coffee blend. Because coffee blends can make it difficult to trace back to the source, roasters can get away with malpractice. Take time to research where your coffee comes from and how local roasters handle their product.
Best Blended Coffee Program
Purchasing fresh coffee blends for your institution can be a daunting task, and it’s no wonder so many corporate businesses and restaurants haven’t considered a commercial coffee program. Check out Brisk Coffee, one of America’s oldest roasters, for buyers looking to work with coffee distributors in Florida.